The Capital Governorate’s Security Committee presided by His Excellency Capital Governor Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulrahman bin Rashid Al Khalifa discussed an integrated time schedule for the meetings and arrangements that precede Ashoora season with the relevant ministries and authorities and the Heads of the Central Processions, to ensure celebrating the occasion in a safe and secure atmosphere.

  • kenburns6
May 15, 2023

His Excellency the Capital Governor stressed the importance of early coordination meetings with all concerned parties, during the meeting, which was attended by MP Ahmed Al-Salloum as well as representatives of the Interior Ministry's security directorates. He emphasised the need to monitor and discuss organisational needs, as well as to develop plans and arrangements to ensure a safe environment for mourners and visitors.

In response to a report presented by MP Ahmed Al-Salloum, the Council recommended that the concerned authorities discuss and study these needs so that appropriate solutions can be found to meet the people's needs.