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Education in Bahrain

Quranic schools (Kuttab) were the only form of education in Bahrain at the beginning of this century. They are traditional schools aimed at teaching children and youth the reading of the Holy Quran.
Many people of Bahrain had felt that this type of education did not fulfil the academic efficiency that match with the spirit of age. After the First World War, things have been changed and Bahrain became widely open upon the modern western renaissance. Political and social changes have occurred in the country that caused the rise of social and cultural awareness among people.
Due to all these, a demand for modern educational institutions different from (Kuttab) has appeared in terms of system, curricula and objectives.
Before 1919, a number of prominent citizens in Muharraq Island had discussed and agreed to establish a modern formal school. A number of the Royal people (Shaikhs) has endorsed this call and contributed for this project.
1919 marked the beginning of modern public school system in Bahrain. Al-Hidaya Al-Khalifia school for boys was opened at the northern tip of Muharraq. The first Committee of Education consisted of several leading merchants and was presided over by the late Shaikh Abdulla bin Isa Al-Khalifa who was popularly known as 'the Minister of Education'. He was also responsible for the management of Al-Hidaya school.
In 1926, the Education Committee has opened the second public school for boys at Manama.
In 1928 the first public school for girls was opened at Muharraq.
Due to the financial and administrative difficulty faces by the Education Committee, the schools came under the direct control of the government in 1930.

Last Update 17 Oct 2021

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